Chicago Wildlife Watch Talk

Amusing interface behavior relating to humans

  • HillBilly by HillBilly

    It amuses me that when identifying a human, the interface asks if young are present. It certainly isn't a case of it doing that for everything, for it does not ask if mowers' young are present. Does anyone know why it would matter whether humans' young are present?


  • WillowSkye by WillowSkye

    Removed my earlier comment of 2 days ago, lest I offend. Keep forgetting that, sitting on another continent, thousands of kilometres apart, what may be funny to me, might not be funny to you. Did, however, picture baby mowers following the mother mower like little ducklings. Priceless ..


  • by scientist

    Actually, we are not interested in knowing if young humans are present. This was just an oversight! But I do like the baby mower image!


  • DZM by DZM admin

    I can't help but mark "young present" even for humans, even if it is in no way relevant. 😃


  • escholzia by escholzia

    I have difficulty identifying young animals (other than fawns) unless there are adults also present. It's hard to get a sense of scale. I hope that data isn't critical to your analysis.


  • by scientist

    Depending on the species, identifying young can be a challenge. This sounds like a great idea for a new blog post!
